Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Intramurals 2019

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, crowd and outdoor
Ilocos Sur National High School started the intramurals 2019 with a parade. The colors led the way followed by the ISNHS band, CAT officers, and the stars of this very event, the athletes of every grade level, with their muse and escorts dressed up to the theme.

The parade ended at the gymnasium of the school wherein the opening program kicked off. Along with the school-based sports competition are the booths prepared and handled by the clubs. The fight between each team for every sport was facilitated by the teachers of each and every department.

During the last day of the intrams, bikers had the opportunity of riding in the Fun Bike, orchestrated still by the school. Afterwards, both the students and teachers joined the zumba led by the zumba instructor. And I must say, I am very glad to have experienced such dancing. i enjoyed and at the same time, let out sweat.

Even after a very tiring morning, the games continued. During that very day, we saw how the members of the Alternative Learning System (ALS) showcased their skills in sports through the competition. And just like any other, everyone strived to do their best  and win.

source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2731999060184779&set=pcb.2731999380184747&type=3&theater

Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Month to Celebrate

Science month celebration with this year’s theme, “Metabolize: Nourishing the Filipino Youth towards Nutritional Well-being”, is a month long celebration during September.

Image result for science month celebration 2019It is celebrated to give emphasis to the importance of science used in the daily lives of the people. To display the capabilities, abilities, and the knowledge of students, different activities are also held.

And in Ilocos Sur National High School, it is led by the Science and YES-O club with their club advisers. Some of these activities are Sci-Quiz, Sci-Fight, Himig Kalikasan, Battle of Bottles – where you use plastic bottles to create things, Sci-Tricks – wherein students from grade 7 to 10 are enjoined to display science tricks that fall under either earth science, chemistry, physics or biology. And the most awaited event is the Ginoo at Binibing Kalikasan, wherein those who wish to join, send their bet from each section of every level to go through screening and then comes the battle. A battle of beauty and brains, with a dash of talent.

It is one of the most awaited months of the year. Especially to Special Science Classes, who always take part in the success, from the very opening to the closing of the science month celebration, even if it’s just being a part of the crowd or with moral support.

Solidarity Making

Vigan City, as the only heritage city in the Philippines, once again celebrates.

Every year, for the month-long of September, Vigan City would celebrate the World Heritage Solidarity Cultural Festival.

This celebration aims to strengthen the pride in the city’s history and culture, promote friendship and diversity between countries and serves as a great venue for forging ties and understanding through community’s involvements in the city’s various activities that highlights love for culture, acts, and entertainment.
Its long-term goal is to preserve the 630 heritage structures that date back from the 18th and 19th centuries.

Image result for world-heritage-cities-solidarity-fest-vigan-cityIn Vigan City, this special festivity is celebrated through different activities set for each day. And as part of the celebration, the festival has been featuring both the Chinese and Indian Community Solidarity Day to appreciate the contributions of the Chinese and Indian community in the development of the city. 

Image result for world-heritage-cities-solidarity-fest-vigan-cityZarzuala Ilocana, Historia Oral, and Cultural Quiz Bowl are only a few of the activities held in celebration of the World Heritage Solidarity Cultural Festival. And with these many activities, a one-day celebration would not be enough to showcase the heritage of the city, so the city government under then Mayor Eva Marie S. Medina, made the whole month of September as World Heritage Cities Solidarity Cultural Festival.


Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Spreading Happiness Is The Key

Different kinds of emotions are what we feel inside us. And in school, we encounter situations wherein we or that certain situation makes us feel those emotions, even maybe a mixture of those. But what we should always remember is that a school should be an enjoyable place for the students. 
Image result for happy schools movement 
The Happy Schools’ Movement was launched seeking to promote every school in the region as a better and enjoyable place to study. With a happier and more positive school culture, the learners’ spiritual, emotional, social, and intellectual conditions or aspects may be uplifted.
It may not be true or others may disagree to it but a school is not just a place for learning but also a place for fun and enjoyment as they learn to enjoy what they are doing. Thus, the happy schools’ movement.

Happy Schools! A Framework for Learner Well-being in the Asia-Pacific

A happy school is composed of happy teachers, as well as happy employees built in a happy environment and form happy students.