Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Intramurals 2019

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, crowd and outdoor
Ilocos Sur National High School started the intramurals 2019 with a parade. The colors led the way followed by the ISNHS band, CAT officers, and the stars of this very event, the athletes of every grade level, with their muse and escorts dressed up to the theme.

The parade ended at the gymnasium of the school wherein the opening program kicked off. Along with the school-based sports competition are the booths prepared and handled by the clubs. The fight between each team for every sport was facilitated by the teachers of each and every department.

During the last day of the intrams, bikers had the opportunity of riding in the Fun Bike, orchestrated still by the school. Afterwards, both the students and teachers joined the zumba led by the zumba instructor. And I must say, I am very glad to have experienced such dancing. i enjoyed and at the same time, let out sweat.

Even after a very tiring morning, the games continued. During that very day, we saw how the members of the Alternative Learning System (ALS) showcased their skills in sports through the competition. And just like any other, everyone strived to do their best  and win.

source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2731999060184779&set=pcb.2731999380184747&type=3&theater

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