Sunday, September 22, 2019

Solidarity Making

Vigan City, as the only heritage city in the Philippines, once again celebrates.

Every year, for the month-long of September, Vigan City would celebrate the World Heritage Solidarity Cultural Festival.

This celebration aims to strengthen the pride in the city’s history and culture, promote friendship and diversity between countries and serves as a great venue for forging ties and understanding through community’s involvements in the city’s various activities that highlights love for culture, acts, and entertainment.
Its long-term goal is to preserve the 630 heritage structures that date back from the 18th and 19th centuries.

Image result for world-heritage-cities-solidarity-fest-vigan-cityIn Vigan City, this special festivity is celebrated through different activities set for each day. And as part of the celebration, the festival has been featuring both the Chinese and Indian Community Solidarity Day to appreciate the contributions of the Chinese and Indian community in the development of the city. 

Image result for world-heritage-cities-solidarity-fest-vigan-cityZarzuala Ilocana, Historia Oral, and Cultural Quiz Bowl are only a few of the activities held in celebration of the World Heritage Solidarity Cultural Festival. And with these many activities, a one-day celebration would not be enough to showcase the heritage of the city, so the city government under then Mayor Eva Marie S. Medina, made the whole month of September as World Heritage Cities Solidarity Cultural Festival.


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