Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Reflection: The Final Stretch

Image result for reflection
Photoshop is a software used for image editing, graphic design and digital art. It is considered to be one of the most essential software for graphic design. The essence of photoshop is far greater than one can imagine. It gives life to pictures making it more beautiful, colorful and more memorable. It can also enhance old photos that are starting to worn out, bringing back the joy from the said picture.

Photoshop unleashes one's skill and creativity. It's useful especially if you are planning to make t-shirt designs, posters, advertisements or logos. It  offers many tools that can improve any pictures, making it more eye catching and vibrant. It is normally used by photographers, graphic designers or simply the local citizens.

The latest version of adobe photoshop named CC or creative cloud introduces new improvements. It is updated with more functions to give everyone the opportunity to discover more.

I started with little knowledge on how to operate this freaking photoshop. It was really hard for me since all downloadable templates that I wanted to use had reached their limit. I was pushed into using my last resort, without using a template, by creating my own. Of course I couldn't have done it with my classmates guide.

See, not everyone can manage or do anything and everything. There are different areas where each specific individual in a class shine brighter. Whose knowledge is better. Though not knowing isn't at all that bad. It just means that there is still space for improvement, for new knowledge, for learning.



  1. Nice Post valerie!! I like it..

  2. Improve your skills and race through the world.

  3. Everybody's been there, everybody's been stared down by the ENEMY but we are here!!!! download the music BRAVE for more informations

  4. May the lesson you gained be your way to success.

  5. Everybody has a flame inside them just waiting to be ignited. You have a lot of skills and talents waiting to be discovered. You'll do great.
