Thursday, August 1, 2019

Duck, Cover and Hold

Image result for National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill 2019
            Natural disasters are upon us. The thought of an earthquake occurring leads to the people cowering. Without proper preparedness, chaos awaits.
                Along with the other national government agencies, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) led the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) on the month of June 2019, for the second quarter. Evaluators came to observe and evaluate the said drill. Wherein a drill is practiced to boost disaster awareness and preparedness. And this National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill is done for this very purpose across the country.
                The senior high school students who participated during the said earthquake drill demonstrated or did the duck, cover and hold. Wherein, after you go to an open area, you need to stay down until declared clear.
                A nationwide simultaneous activity which is done quarterly, within the walls of different schools nationwide must be taken seriously and not for granted. An event that some of us who are not included in the senior high have also participated last June 20,2019.
                Preparing the students pertaining to disasters is a must. For it could happen anytime and anywhere. Preparedness is a must.

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