Friday, August 16, 2019

Reflect On Your Experiences For It Is Where We Learn

For the first quarter, I learned and discovered things about blogs. The kinds of blogs and what they each contain, I even get to make/publish blogs through web log. I gained knowledge on how to make one and got to apply it. I even learned about the history of the Internet and the people who are connected in the making.
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Though along the way, I encountered problems/challenges. It may not have been a big thing for the others but for me, I considered it to be a hindrance in achieving my goal thus finishing the first quarter. I struggled with the composition of the other things that were given, especially those who required what we knew about a certain event or celebration.
I did what I needed to do in order to overcome this hurdle. I read things about the upcoming celebrations/events and with that newly gained knowledge I wrote with confidence and overcame it.
Moving on, I will continue to learn new things and also continue making/publishing my very own blogs as I continue on with the other remaining quarters of the year 2019-2020.

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